(Commands are preceded by a circumflex (^). Press RETURN to enter all typed moves and commands.)
MOVES AND MOVE COMMANDS To select white, enter: W RETURN To select black, enter: B RETURN To enter a move, enter: (Letter)(Number)(Letter)(Number) \_________/ \_________/ From Square To Square EXAMPLE: P-Q4 with player as white is D2D4 ^CL Castle Left. ^CR Castle Right. ^YOU Player skips a move and lets computer move. ^PD5C6 Capture En Passant from D5 to C6. ^X Resign. GAME CONTROL COMMANDS ^RP0 Disable player's castling. ^RP1 Enable player's castling. ^RC0 Disable computer's castling. ^RC1 Enable computer's castling. ^Q5 Next Pawn reaching 8th rank will become a Queen. ^Q2 Next Pawn reaching 8th rank will become a Rook. ^Q4 Next Pawn reaching 8th rank will become a Bishop. ^Q3 Next Pawn reaching 8th rank will become a Knight. ^InXXXXXXXX Position computer's persons on rank n of board. Where X= one of the following: P=Pawn, R=Rook, Q=Queen, B=Bishop, N=Knight, K=King, Space-bar=Vacant. To position player's persons, press CONTROL simultaneously while entering the character representing the person. ^Dnm Set depth to n, added capture depth to m. EXAMPLE: ^D34 =3 ply plus 4 more ply on captures (7 ply on captures) If m=U (EXAMPLE: ^D3U), capture depth is unlimited. ^S Display search. (Switch) ^E Display number of end nodes looked at (in hex) (Switch). ^Z Set input device to RS232. ^ZD2D4 Set input device to RS232 and make first move. A4-1 8080 CHESS